
Explore a variety of materials, featuring the business opportunities emerging from Ukraine's reconstruction. Find analytical reports, papers, and resources selected from Business Sweden, our partners, and other relevant organizations. Stay informed and prepared with the latest insights to navigate Ukraine's evolving landscape. Check back regularly for updates and new additions.

2024-08 - Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for Swedish Private Sector

Business Sweden Ukraine team is pleased to present the "Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for Swedish Private Sector" updated guide for Swedish companies seeking ways to contribute their solutions and expertise to Ukraine's recovery and renewal journey. Through this regularly updated guide, we aim to provide you with current information on Ukraine's economic situation and prospects, ongoing procurement opportunities, investment frameworks, and practical aspects of conducting business with Ukraine in these challenging times.

2024-09 - Bilateral Support and Finance Opportunity Identification Guide

The Business Sweden team is pleased to present the "Bilateral Support and Finance Opportunity Identification Guide" designed for Swedish companies and subsidiaries looking to lend their expertise and solutions to Ukraine’s resilience and rebuilding efforts. This guide aims to offer Swedish businesses and Team Sweden stakeholders current information on export finance options and other support avenues available in Germany, Poland, the UK and Ukraine. It includes details on a variety of financial tools such as export guarantees, risk mitigation mechanisms, grants, loans, and development cooperation resources, all geared toward supporting Swedish companies with a presence or production capabilities in aforementioned markets.

2024-10 - Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for Swedish Companies in Ukraine's Municipal Sector

The Business Sweden team is pleased to present the "Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for Swedish Companies in Ukraine’s Municipal Sector" designed for Swedish companies seeking ways to contribute their solutions and expertise to Ukraine's recovery and renewal journey. This guide includes overview of Ukraine’s municipal infrastructure, industry insights and analysis, ongoing procurement opportunities as well as practical aspects of conducting business with Ukraine in these challenging times.

Swecare: Healthcare System in Ukraine 2024

Swecare presents the "Healthcare System in Ukraine 2024" report, which provides an overview of the ongoing reform in the Ukrainian healthcare system since 2017, its main actors, their roles, the decision-making processes that guide the system’s functioning, and the needs and priorities in the Ukrainian healthcare system due to the war. The information will be of interest to representatives of government agencies, private companies, NGOs and academia in Sweden.

Swecare: Funding Opportunities for Swedish Life Science in Ukraine 2024

Swecare presents the "Funding Opportunities for Swedish Life Science in Ukraine 2024" report, which provides general overview of financial flows in the Ukrainian healthcare system, information on procurement opportunities and recommendations for Swedish life science companies.