Team Sweden Talks: Nefco’s Programmatic Activities in Ukraine – Opportunities for Swedish Companies in Municipal and Construction Sector

Webinar by Business Sweden and NEFCO

Nefco plays a key role in Ukraine's reconstruction efforts, leading various infrastructure projects that offer substantial opportunities for cooperation between international and Ukrainian businesses.

The webinar aimed to foster partnerships between Swedish providers of energy-efficient construction solutions and Ukrainian construction companies involved in Nefco’s current and future projects.

By focusing on the Nefco framework, the event served as a platform for discussions on potential collaborative projects.

The online event provided Swedish companies with valuable insights on engaging with Nefco’s programs, navigating the competitive contractor selection process, and identifying specific upcoming opportunities.

Additionally, the webinar introduced the Rebuild Ukraine Conference in Warsaw, scheduled for November 2024, and announce the release of a new BuS guide on Municipal Infrastructure.

Agenda (CET):

10:00 am – 10:05 am

Welcome and Introduction

Speaker: Andreas Giallourakis, Trade Commissioner of Sweden in Ukraine, Country Director of Business Sweden in Ukraine

Overview of the webinar’s objectives, introduction to Team Sweden Talks, and the significance of energy-efficient construction in Ukraine.

10:05 am – 10:15 am

Presentation: Nefco’s Programmatic Activities in Ukraine

Speaker: Ulf Bojö, Vice President, Green Transition Eastern Europe, Nefco

An overview of Nefco’s ongoing and planned projects in Ukraine, focusing on sustainable development and energy-efficient construction.

10:15 am – 10:25 am

Facilitating Swedish Company Involvement in Nefco’s Activities in Ukraine & Upcoming International Procurement: Prefabricated nZEB School Building

Speaker: Jyrki Rautamäki, Senior Consultant, Nefco

Discussion on opportunities for collaboration between Ukrainian and Swedish companies in Nefco’s projects, focusing on joint ventures and partnerships.

Introduction to the upcoming procurement for a prefabricated nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) school, based on a Finnish concept, and the potential for Swedish companies to participate.

10:25 am – 10:35 am

Introduction to the Rebuild Ukraine Conference

Speaker: Peter Davidson

A brief presentation on the Rebuild Ukraine Exhibition and Conference in Warsaw, scheduled for November 13-14, 2024, highlighting its importance and relevance for companies in the construction sector.

10:35 am – 10:50 am

Q&A Session

Moderated by: Andreas Giallourakis, Trade Commissioner of Sweden in Ukraine

Open floor for participants to ask questions to the Nefco representatives about the programmatic activities, procurement processes, and collaboration opportunities.

10:50 am– 10:55 am

Closing Remarks & Announcement of the Municipal Infrastructure Guide

Speaker: Andreas Giallourakis, Trade Commissioner of Sweden in Ukraine

Summary of the key points discussed, encouragement to engage with Nefco’s upcoming opportunities, and an announcement about the release of a guide on Municipal Infrastructure for Swedish companies, informing other events.


12 September



12 September
